Creative people freak me out.

I think these look cool, and fun. Personally, I'd decorate mine like freaky steampunk robot legs, and use them to crush my enemies, if I had any enemies, that is. But the second half of the video, when she puts on the horse outfit... shudder...... furries. I also expect to see these showing up at Renaissance festivals. Huzzah! Where I also see a lot of winged hairy demon dudes and their leather bustier clad "handlers". I don't remember that part of the renaissance. Mostly I remember the plagues, and the crusades. But maybe there were half horse people, winged hairy demon dudes and their bustier clad "handlers", elves, orcs, hobbits, and other fairy folk that I tend to forget because of, well, the plagues and the crusades. But that's just me.


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