I can't resist. I must post this.

Now I totally expect that after W leaves office, the spin historians will start re-writing what actually went on during the 8 disastrous years of his reign, making it look like he was a brilliant leader, and that everyone in America loved him dearly. I hope that they are not successful.

But what about Dick? Not Nixon, Cheney.
Surely everybody won't be fooled by his hand picked historians. Please tell me they won't.

By the way, at the Nixon Presidential Library, the only mention of Watergate is that it was a coup staged by his rivals. I can't honestly believe that even the people who put that exhibit together actually believe that. Then again, Republicans have proven to be amazingly adept at self-delusion.

Mission Accomplished!


They've actually stopped saying that on the Nixon library. I'm stealing that Stalin picture and I'm using it later.

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